
St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Loving and Learning together, with Jesus.

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 

Hello and welcome to Year 6's class page. This page will have lots of useful information on it. We hope that you are feeling refreshed and ready for an exciting year! We are looking forward to getting to know you all and learning along the way!


Autumn Term

In the Autumn Term, the children will explore historical concepts and skills liked to the history unit 'We'll Meet Again'

In English, we will be exploring 'The Piano'.

In Maths, we will focus on Place Value. 

History: World War Two

RE: Creation and Covenance

Art: Drawing

Science: Light

PE: Dance and Football

Computing: Online Safety

Music: Happy by Pharrell Williams

PSHE: Relationships

French: Me and the World


Useful reminders:

  • Remember to bring a healthy snack for break time. 
  • Don't forget your water bottle!
  • P.E is on Wednesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor). Remember to attend school in you P.E kit on these days.
  • Reading books will be sent home on a Monday and are expected to be returned on a Monday (unless still reading). 
  • Weekly spellings are set and will be taken from the Year 5/6 Spelling List. The spelling tests will take place on a Monday. 
  • Reading Records will also be checked on a Monday. It is important to have your reading record signed and ready for the day. 


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Dewey, Mrs Bradbury, Mrs Baker and Mrs Abel. 

SATs Workshop

Method Maths
