
St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Loving and Learning together, with Jesus.

Most Holy Redeemer, Billericay


Parish Priest: Father Daniel Mason

21, Laindon Road, Billericay, CM12 9LL

Telephone: 01277 624891



Hall Bookings:


Our Parish is twinned with Sacred Heart Parish, Dundee Diocese, South Africa


Mass Times



Below are the general mass times.  The newsletter can be found on our website Home ( and will announce when the Holy days of Obligation masses and vigils are, as well as any changes to the normal masses.


Masses are Saturday: 6pm, Sunday 9am and 11am


The Most Holy Redeemer's Youtube channel will be broadcasting live streams of the Saturday 6pm and Sunday 9am Masses The Most Holy Redeemer - YouTube


The 11am Mass is available to listen to via the telephone link. If you would like to listen in to the Sunday 11am Mass you can do so by phoning 0333 0112 308

Enter Room Access Key: 158 558 54#   Followed by PIN Code: 5286#

Do make sure that you press the mute or silent button on your phone to cut down on background noise. Please note that there will just be one Mass broadcast live via the Masslink.


Confessions take place most Saturdays in the Church from 11am – 12noon – please see the newsletter for any changes.

The Most Holy Redeemer Christmas Celebration

You are invited to the Most Holy Redeemer Christmas Celebration on Sat 18th Nov. See the attached poster for details of how to pre-book a slot with Fr Christmas. There is also a QR code for buying tickets for the Grand Draw - 1st prize is an I-pad!

To make the event a success, the church kindly ask for donations of chocolate (for the ever popular chocolate tombola), bottles and unwanted new gifts. These can be placed in the box at the back of the church or brought to school and left in the collection boxes on FRIDAY 17th NOVEMBER ONLY please.

Thank you and look forward to seeing you there!
