
St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Loving and Learning together, with Jesus.

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Autumn term 1 2024


Hello and welcome to Year 4's class page! We hope you have had a wonderful summer and made lovely memories with your family and friends. This page will have lots of useful information for you to refer to including our PE days, homework and other important messages. We are looking forward to getting to know you and finding out all your amazing talents!



 The Year 4 Team - Miss Evans, Mrs Kemp, Mrs Woolgar.






In the Autumn term children will be exploring historical concepts and skills linked to our topic "Invaders and Settlers"


In English we will be focusing on a wide range of fiction, poetry, non-fiction and reference books or textbooks linked to Invaders and Settlers. Eg: Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon Boy.


In Mathematics we will be recognising numbers beyond 1000 as part of our place value unit. 


In History we will investigate why the Anglo-Saxons and Scots settled in Britain.


In Art we will study the work of the artist Horace Pippin and understand the themes /inspiration behind his artwork.


In PE we will be focusing on developing our football and dance skills. 


In Computing we will be learning how to keep ourselves safe online. 


In RE we will be exploring biblical stories linked to out topic "Creation and Covenant".


In Music we will be learning how to play the clarinet. 


In Science we will be exploring the digestive system as well as studying a variety of food chains.


In French we will be learning the names of classroom objects.


In PSHE we will be learning how to build healthy relationships. 


Our PE Days are Tuesday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor). Please come to school dressed in your PE Kit on these days and you will remain in your PE kit for the whole day.

Multiplication Test

In the summer term 2025 - the children will be sitting a multiplication times tables test. They will be asked lots of questions and be given approximately 6 seconds to answer. This is why daily practice of the different times tables needs to be learnt off by heart so they can be answered automatically. We have set up weekly times table battles on TT Rock Stars which we would strongly recommend the children take part in. They can also practice individually using TT Rock stars or using the Mathsframe multiplication checker which replicates the test the children will be given. To complete the times tables test the children need to answer all the questions correctly which is very tricky, so the more they practice the better prepared they will be! 

Here is a link to practice your timetables: 


Dates for Diary


Homework will be set each week below.  We  have a pink homework exercise book to record homework in.  Children are expected to either mark alongside a parent/carer or use the answers provided to self-mark. Marked homework is handed in on the following Monday. 


Children will be set three English tasks and three Mathematics tasks, not including daily reading. Our recommendation is that children complete Task 1 for English and Maths on Tuesday, Task 2 for both on Wednesday and Task 3 for both on Thursday. This short, frequent style of homework will support children to consolidate their learning. However, this is not compulsory and timing of homework can be managed accordingly to suit family schedules. 



Please remember to bring in a water bottle each day.

You may bring a snack of either fresh fruit/ salad, plain popcorn, plain breadsticks or plain rice cakes.

Please remember not to provide snacks that contain dairy or nuts due to the children with allergies being on the playground.  


Please make sure you have written your names on your jumpers, coats, water bottles, sandwich boxes and snack pots.




Flatford Mill Year 5 Trip 2025 Initial Parent's Information

Useful Websites
