
St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Loving and Learning together, with Jesus.

Our Curriculum Offer

Whole School Curriculum Intent



At St Peter's we provide a rich and broad curriculum that develops the children's knowledge and skills, inspiring them through a journey of creativity, discovery and curiosity where everyone is equally respected and valued, equipping the children as independent, resilient, lifelong learners. 


Whole School Curriculum Implementation 



          Our curriculum is engaging, inclusive and progressive. We believe core skills are fundamental and are applied in all curriculum areas ensuring each child has the Cultural Capital needed for their future success.  

Our curriculum is a rich, broad and balanced curriculum. We ensure that all the objectives are covered from the National Curriculum and that these are broken down into specific knowledge and skills. Curriculum planning is focused on sequential skills and knowledge for each subject. Curriculum Leaders, strongly supported by school leaders (and external specialists when needed), have planned the long term and medium term curriculum to enable all teachers with the sequenced planning to support their short term planning. There is a strong focus on professional development to support teacher’s subject knowledge, teacher’s understanding and development of subject skills/schema. Teacher’s are also supported by Phase Leaders through effective mentoring and monitoring. Plans are checked to ensure fidelity to the curriculum planning.


We value subjects domains so each subject is taught discretely with a focus on knowledge and skills  that build from one year to another and then one term to  another. Whilst subjects are taught discretely we have themes and concepts that are mostly based around History or Geography and are our golden thread which often links to the text/theme used in English. Research based evidence shows this supports the children in their retention of the knowledge and skills and supports engagement thus ensuring progress in learning.

We use the following strategies within our teaching and learning:


  • Teaching and Learning Framework
  • Learning Keys/Behaviours - Resilience, Resourceful, Reflective, Reciprocity, Risk taking 
  • Surface, Deep, Transfer 
  • Instruction – modelling, questioning, chunks, use of learning environment
  • Adaptation – scaffolds, prompts, intervention,
  • Questioning – misconceptions, effective assessment for learning
  • Effective Feedback
  • Reviewing – Retrieval, Practice, Spaced learning 
  • Reviewing learning – Last year, month, week, yesterday
  • Making links


Whole School Curriculum Impact



St Peter’s children are happy and they love their school.
St Peter’s school is safe and secure and this is of central importance. The staff, children, families and Governors show respect to each other and celebrate everyone creating a fully inclusive ethos.
The children are consistently engaged in their learning and have a detailed knowledge and skills across an enriched, broad and balanced curriculum.
They meet highly ambitious targets and this is reflected in the consistently strong outcomes in tests and teacher assessments.
Children leave St Peter’s confident and articulate with strong values and learning behaviours. Past pupils often visit and are extremely proud of their school and the lasting friendships they have made.
Reading is at the heart of the school and there is a love for reading and strength in fluency and comprehension.
High success rate for ALL

Subject Curriculum Intent 


Each subject has its own Intent Statement which clearly links to the whole school Intent, providing consistency across the school, but also focuses on the individual aspects of its own subject area.

At St Peter's we promote learning and personal growth and development, always placing Christ at the centre of all we do. We use our St Peter's Learning Keys to teach our children how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others while developing knowledge. 




We aim to foster a lifelong love of learning, through adopting a highly practical and engaging approach to learning. Our curriculum aims to deliver a twenty-first century education that will equip our children with the skills required to be an independent and responsible citizen, with skills that can be used for jobs that are yet to be created.


We value the way in which all children are unique, and our curriculum promotes respect for the views of each individual child, as well as for people of all cultures. We ensure respect for all in our school and use the Gospel Values, to instil qualities we want all St Peter's children to have deeply rooted within them. 


We follow Development Matters in EYFS and the National Curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6. We ensure fidelity to the National Curriculum and provide learning experiences that are engaging, provoke curiosity and involve all children through sophisticated adaptation. 



We will ensure that at every level, in all our work and through all aspects of the school community and its life, everyone will be treated equally, reflecting the Equality Act 2010 and that the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations are complied with, making the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs. We will not discriminate against the protected characteristics: age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation. 



In order to promote diversity and equality for all, we embed the teaching of equality and British Values through our curriculum. 


If you have any questions about our curriculum, please do not hesitate in contacting us via the school office. 

You can find our curriculum policies by using the below link. 

Email the School Office
