
St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Loving and Learning together, with Jesus.

Junior Disciples

Loving and Learning together, with Jesus


At St. Peter's we are very lucky to have a dedicated team of pupils as our Junior Disciples. At the beginning of the year, the children had the opportunity to write a letter to Mrs. Walker that outlined their interest in the role and why they would be an outstanding role model in this area. Then, pupils from KS2 were selected to represent their year group. 

Junior Disciples have an important role. Some of their responsibilities include preparing for whole school or year group masses, liaising with Prayer Leaders in class with R.E. lessons and their reflection area, and supporting KS1 children with their reflections in class. It is therefore imperative that our Junior Disciples uphold our school values of Kindness, Integrity, Service, Fairness and being Peaceful. 

