
St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Loving and Learning together, with Jesus.

Year 1



Next week Year 1 are taking part in an exciting day all about God's planet! During this day, we will be doing lots of art and crafts.

For this, we are in need of any kitchen/ loo rolls. If you have any at home please send them in with your children by Tuesday the 22nd of October.


Thank you for all your support!


The Year 1 team :) 

Homework 14.10.24

Homework 07.10.24

Homework 30.09.24

Homework 23.09.24

Homework 16.09.24

Homework Week 2 09.09.24

Welcome to Year One's Class Page


Welcome back Year 1!


We hope that you have had a wonderful Summer and are ready for a new school year. 


This term, the children will explore Geographical concepts and skills linked to the Geography unit, My School.


Our English writing will be linked to our topic where the children will explore a poem about school. We will also look at the text ‘Dear Teacher’  as a stimulus to develop the children’s writing further this term.


In Maths, we will be focusing on Place Value.


In RE, our new unit will focus on Creation and Covenant.


In Music, the children will learn how to sing, play, improvise and compose through the  topic Hey You.


In French, the children will learn vocabulary linked to different  Colours and Numbers.


In DT,  the children will focus on Textiles.


In Computing, the children will learn all about Online Safety.


In PSHE, the children will explore the unit Relationships.



Water bottles and Snack

Please provide your child with a plastic refillable water bottle which is clearly labelled with their name. Children will be able to refill this throughout the day and it will be kept in the classroom.  


School fruit will be provided for your child but you may also provide your own healthy snack if you wish. This snack will be eaten during playtime.  If you are sending your child into school with their own snack, please provide a small amount and label your child's snack clearly.  This must be a healthy snack. Options include; a piece of fruit, vegetables, salad or plain bread sticks, plain rice cakes, plain popcorn. Please no chocolate or snacks. No  nut or  dairy based snacks please.  We have 15 minutes for snack and play so please keep the amount of snack given, appropriate to the time allowed. 



Your child will receive a decodable phonics book and a book band reading book. The phonics books will be a specific book matched to their current working level and selected by the teacher each week.  Please encourage your child to use their phonics knowledge here – focus sounds are found on the inside cover of the phonics book. The book band book will be selected by your child within a certain band colour. 


Your children are working towards changing coloured books independently. Please encourage children to pick a new one and return their previous one when needed. 


It is essential that children bring in their reading packet and reading record every day.  This will aid children in keeping their books safe, all in one place and help them to change them smoothly. Reading packets need to be clearly named - the larger the better so children can find their own one easily. Children will place them in a box every day as they start the day. Replacement reading packets are £1.50 and can be purchased via Parent Pay. 



We ask you to support us by reading with your child every evening, this sets up the expectation for homework and will ensure progress. Short and enjoyable sessions are recommended, along with daily practise of phonics/key sounds.


Labelled items of clothing 

Labelled school uniform, PE kit, coats and belongings is essential. This will also help the children during the transition over the next few weeks and will support them while they are settling into the Year 1 routine and building independence. We ask that you continue to check this across the year as labels can easily fall out or fade.



Homework will be set weekly  on our class page every Monday evening . There will be Maths and English daily tasks set for a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday which are linked to the week’s learning so should be completed on the given day. This homework should be marked at home.  The children should then return any written homework the following Monday to check that it has been completed.  



Year 1 PE DAYS

Monday and Wednesday


If you have any questions, we are always available at the end of the day after pick up.


We are looking forward to getting to know all of your wonderful children and working together to support them in Year 1. 


Miss Dunne, Miss Smith, Mrs Philpot and Mrs De Freitas


Homework 1.7.24

Homework 24.6.24

Homework 17.3.24

Welcome to Summer 2!


Next week, Year 1 are sitting their phonics screening check. For this weeks homework, we would like you to spend time reading books, reading words from the power point below and using the link to practice old phonic screening check papers. 


We encourage all children to spot the sounds in words and to sound the word out before reading it to help them.


We hope you all had a lovely half term!


The Year 1 team :)


Past phonics screening test papers:

2019 phonics screening check: pupils' materials (

Homework 3.6.24

Welcome to Year 1

Summer Term 2024



In the Summer Term, the children will explore scientific concepts and skills linked to the science unit, 'Little Gardener '. They will explore observe and describe different types of flowers and  plants. They will describe the structure of plants and trees and sort them into different categories.  



Our PE Days are Wednesday  and Friday. Please come to school dressed in your PE Kit on these days and you will remain in your PE kit for the whole day.

Phonics Assessment 

In  Summer term 2  - the children will be sitting a  phonics assessment. You will find examples of these assessments online which you can use to support your child at home.




To prepare the children for year 2 expectations, we will send home Homework folders on Monday 29th of April. 

The children must return their completed homework by the following Monday  to show that they have completed it.  This homework will be checked but not marked. 
We will include extra resources in these folders to support learning at home.  

Thank you for your continued support. 
Miss Dunne, Miss Smith, Mrs Morris and Ms Lindsey 

Homework 13.05.24

Homework 7.5.24

Homework 29.4.24

Homework 22.4.24

Homework 15.4.24

Homework 18.3.24

Homework 11.3.24 Science Week

Homework 4.3.24

Homework 26.2.24

Homework 5.2.24

Homework 29.1.24

Homework 22.1.24

Homework 15.1.24

Homework 8.1.24

Homework 27.11.23

Homework 20.11.23

Homework 13.11.23

Welcome to Year One's Class Page


                                                                                                       Welcome back Year 1!


This term the children will explore Historical concepts and skills linked to the History unit, Little Inventors!


Our English writing will be linked to our topic where the children will explore a poem about inventions . We will also look at the text ‘Rosie Revere’  as a stimulus to develop the children’s writing further this term.


In Maths, we will be focusing on Multiplication.


In RE, our new unit is be called Galilee to Jerusalem.


In Music, the children will learn how to sing, play, improvise and compose through the  topic In the Groove!


In French, the children will learn vocabulary linked to different fruits.


In Art,  the children will focus on Painting.


In Computing, the children will learn all about Spreadsheets.


In PSHE, the children will explore the unit How to be Healthy.


Water bottles and Snack

Please provide your child with a plastic refillable water bottle which is clearly labelled with their name. Children will be able to refill this throughout the day and it will be kept in the classroom.  


School fruit will be provided for your child but you may also provide your own healthy snack if you wish. This snack will be eaten during playtime.  If you are sending your child into school with their own snack, please provide a small amount and label your child's snack clearly.  This must be a healthy snack. Options include; a piece of fruit, vegetables, salad or plain bread sticks, plain rice cakes, plain popcorn. Please no chocolate or snacks. No  nut or  dairy based snacks please.  We have 15 minutes for snack and play so please keep the amount of snack given, appropriate to the time allowed. 



Your child will receive a decodable phonics book and a book band reading book. The phonics books will be a specific book matched to their current working level and selected by the teacher each week.  Please encourage your child to use their phonics knowledge here – focus sounds are found on the inside cover of the phonics book. The book band book will be selected by your child within a certain band colour. 


Your children are working towards changing coloured books independently. Please encourage children to pick a new one and return their previous one when needed. 


It is essential that children bring in their reading packet and reading record every day.  This will aid children in keeping their books safe, all in one place and help them to change them smoothly. Reading packets need to be clearly named - the larger the better so children can find their own one easily. Children will place them in a box every day as they start the day. Replacement reading packets are £1.50 and can be purchased via Parent Pay. 



We ask you to support us by reading with your child every evening, this sets up the expectation for homework and will ensure progress. Short and enjoyable sessions are recommended, along with daily practise of phonics/key sounds.


Labelled items of clothing 

Labelled school uniform, PE kit, coats and belongings is essential. This will also help the children during the transition over the next few weeks and will support them while they are settling into the Year 1 routine and building independence. We ask that you continue to check this across the year as labels can easily fall out or fade.



Homework will be set weekly  on our class page every Monday evening . There will be Maths and English daily tasks set for a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday which are linked to the week’s learning so should be completed on the given day. This homework should be marked at home.  The children should then return any written homework the following Monday to check that it has been completed.  



PE Days

1A  - Wednesdays and Fridays


1B – Wednesdays and Fridays




Thank you for your support,


Miss Smith and Mrs Morris (1A)


Miss Dunne, Ms Lindsey and Mrs Parsons (1B)










Year 1 common exception words

Phonics workshop PowerPoint

Purple Mash 


Year 1 pupils will receive their Purple Mash username and passwords this week. You  will find the necessary information inside the cover of your child's red reading record book. Please practise logging in and navigating the programme. If you could help them to do this as often as possible until they are confident logging in, it will be a great support to them in their learning. 

Thank you 


Home Learning Monday 4th January

Reading in Year 1
