
St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Loving and Learning together, with Jesus.

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5


Welcome back to school and into Year 5! We hope you have a restful half term and are excited to start another term of learning!

Our topic for this term is Geography based and is called 'The Amazon-ing Americas'. 



PE days are Monday (outdoor) and Thursday (outdoor). Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE uniform.



Please remember to bring a water bottle and a healthy snack.  A healthy snack is a piece (or selection) of fruit/ veg/salad or plain popcorn or plain rice cake.  Please check your name is written on your coat, school uniform, water bottle and snack pot.   



Change to homework: 


Homework will be set on a Monday by 4pm. You can find your child's homework uploaded to their Class Page, not Teams, as well as any answer sheets. Any worksheets needed will also be uploaded to the Class Page and clearly sign-posted. Children are expected to either mark alongside a parent/carer or use the answer sheets to self-mark. Homework will then be handed in on the following Monday. 


KS2 will have a homework exercise book. Children will record their homework in this book, using the Class Page to read, answer and mark questions. 


Children will be set three English tasks and three Mathematics tasks, not including daily reading. Our recommendation is that children complete Task 1 for English and Maths on Tuesday, Task 2 for both on Wednesday and Task 3 for both on Thursday. This short, frequent style of homework will support children to consolidate their learning. However, this is not compulsory and timing of homework can be managed accordingly to suit family schedules. 


Spellings and tables will be tested on Fridays. 


Please remember to read and practise spelling and tables each day.  Record your reading in your 'Red Reading Records'.  You  must bring your reading records and reading books to school each day.  



Thank you for your continued support,


Miss Dewey and Mrs Ash

Miss Evans and Mrs Pavitt


Year 5 Team


Spring 2023 Parent Information Workshops

Supporting your child in Year 5 Autumn 2022
