Welcome back to school and a Happy New Year!
We hope you have had a restful Christmas holiday and are excited to begin a new year and another term of learning!
Our learning focus this half term is history based with a focus on 'Early Islamic Civilisation.'. Our science based unit of work has an investigative focus on Properties and Changes in Materials.
PE days are Monday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor). Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE uniform. Our units this half term are Dodgeball and Hockey.
Please remember to bring a water bottle and a healthy snack. A healthy snack is a piece (or selection) of fruit/ veg/salad or plain popcorn or plain rice cake. Please check your name is written on your coat, school uniform, water bottle and snack pot.
Homework is always set on a Monday by 4pm and will be uploaded to the Class Page below, it must then be handed in the following Monday. This gives you a week to complete the tasks.
We would encourage you to get into a manageable homework routine where you space the homework out so that it is achievable and helps you cope. Homework left to the night before is always rushed, never your best work and will leave you feeling stressed. Managing your homework by spacing it out into achievable parts will help you prepare for Year 6 and then eventually secondary school.
Spellings and tables will be tested on Fridays.
Please remember to read and practise spelling and tables each day. Record your reading in your 'Red Reading Record'. You must bring your reading records and reading books to school each day.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Downey, Mrs McGregor and Mrs Ash
Year 5 Team