
St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Loving and Learning together, with Jesus.

Year 2

Welcome to Year Two!


Welcome back everyone, we hope you had a good Summer and are excited for learning. This term we begin with a geographical topic focusing on KENYA.  In this unit the children will learn about the Continents and maps as well as linking their learning to the study of two artists in Art and Design.  Look out for this term's:  What We Will be Learning information, which is coming soon.


This week, in preparation for our RE lesson, we would like each child to bring a copy of a baby photo in to class.  This photo will be stuck into their RE book.  Please bring these in as soon as you can.  Many thanks. 


**  Please could you check your child's reading packet - many children are arriving to school without a packet.  Replacement packets can be purchased from the School Office.  Children will need to place reading packets in the class box daily, on arrival into class.  This is to help quick retrieval and facilitate book changes etc.  Many thanks.***


We politely request that children attach only ONE small keyring to their school bags for identification purposes.  Some children have quite a collection on their bags.  This sometimes causes issues when they become detached or broken and can be a distraction in School.  Thank you for your support


Yr2 Information



Homework will be uploaded to the class pages every Monday by 4pm. It will contain English and Maths tasks linked to our daily learning.  Further details are on the homework weekly plan.  Please remember to write your name on  your homework and mark it before you submit it on the following Monday. Please also ensure that red reading records are handed in on Monday as well.  



Your child will receive two reading books weekly (Phonics and Colour book). Please continue to read and share books with your child on a daily basis. We expect reading to be completed daily and recorded in the Red Reading Record. 



We would like all children to bring in a water bottle each day. As stated on the school website in the healthy schools section, the children can also bring in a healthy snack from home (a healthy snack is a piece of fruit or vegetables or salad or plain breadsticks, plain rice cakes or plain popcorn.) We would politely ask that you do not send your child in with any snack other than those listed.




 2A will be  doing PE on Tuesdays and Friday.

2B will be doing PE on Tuesdays and Friday.

Please ensure your child comes into school dressed in their PE kits.


Personal belongings

Please make sure you have written your names on your jumpers, coats, water bottles, sandwich boxes and snack pots. Please encourage your child to be responsible for their belongings, as it is not possible to return to the classroom after dismissal to collect forgotten items.


The Year 2 Team 









