
St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Loving and Learning together, with Jesus.

Year 2

Welcome to Year Two  


Dear Parents

Thank you so much for all your kind wishes, gifts and flowers.  It has been an absolute pleasure to have taught the children this year and we have been extremely grateful for all your support throughout the year.


Have a wonderful Summer

The Year 2 Team xx






Homework will be uploaded to the class pages every Monday. It will contain English and Maths tasks linked to our daily learning.  Further details are on the homework weekly plan.  Please remember to write your name on  your homework and mark it before you submit it on the following Monday. Please also ensure that red reading records are handed in on Monday as well.  



Your child will receive two reading books weekly (Phonics and Colour book). Please continue to read and share books with your child on a daily basis. We expect reading to be completed daily and recorded in the Red Reading Record.



We would like all children to bring in a water bottle each day. As stated on the school website in the healthy schools section, the children can also bring in a healthy snack from home (a healthy snack is a piece of fruit or vegetables or salad or plain breadsticks, plain rice cakes or plain popcorn.) We would politely ask that you do not send your child in with any snack other than those listed.


From Spring 1


 2A will be  doing PE on Tuesdays and Friday.

2B will be doing PE on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Please ensure your child comes into school dressed in their PE kits.


Personal belongings

Please make sure you have written your names on your jumpers, coats, water bottles, sandwich boxes and snack pots.


The Year 2 Team (Mrs. Mc, Miss. Wright, Miss Hughes and Mrs.Maddison)










Homework 1.7.24

Homework 17.6.24

Homework 13.05.24

Homework 06.05.24

Homework 29.4.24

Homework 22.4.24

Homework 18.3.24

Homework 11.3.24

2B Assembly Music and Update

Homework 15.1.24

Nativity Photos 2B

Homework 27.11.23

Homework 20.11.23

Homework 13.11.23

Homework  6.11.23

Homework 9.10.23

Homework 2.10.23

Homework 25.9.23

Homework WC: 18.9.23
