
St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Loving and Learning together, with Jesus.

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3


Our history based theme this term is 'The Mayflower'.

Our English writing will be linked to first pilgrims to America from Billericay.

In Maths, we will focus on Place Value.

In RE, our new unit is called 'Creation and Covenant'

In Music, the children will learn how to sing, play, improvise and compose using glockenspiels.

In French, the children will learn vocabulary linked to greetings and colours

In Art the children will focus on the strand of painting and colour mixing

In Computing, the children will learn about e-safety.

In PSHE, the children will explore the unit of relationships.




Please remember to bring a water bottle and a healthy snack (Year 3 no longer receive free fruit snacks from school, so please ensure your child has a snack with them everyday).  A healthy snack is a piece (or selection) of fruit/ veg/salad or plain popcorn or plain rice cake.  Please check your name is written on your coat, school and PE uniform, water bottle and snack pot. 

Please provide your child with a colouring book or puzzle book for your child to keep in their trays for indoor breaks. 


Please remember to read and practice spelling and tables each day.  Record your reading in your new 'Red Reading Records'.  You  must bring your reading record and reading books to school each day.  


Our PE days are MONDAYS  and  WEDNESDAYS  Children are to come to school in PE kits on these days. 


Thank you for your support,


Miss. Lewis and Miss Hughes (3A)

Miss Edwards, Miss Tucker and Mrs Lindsey (3B)



Year 3 Team



Zones of Regulation Information to Parents
