
St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Loving and Learning together, with Jesus.

Our School Saint

St. Peter, originally named Simon, was a fisherman who was called by Jesus to follow Him and become a 'fisher of men' (Matthew 4:19). He was one of Jesus’ closest disciples and witnessed many of His miracles and teachings. Peter is known for his passionate faith, but also for his human weaknesses—most famously, when he denied Jesus three times. Despite this, Peter was forgiven by Jesus after His resurrection and became the rock upon which the Church was built, receiving the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 16:18-19). 

The school vision, 'Christ at the Centre', is mirrored in the example of St. Peter, who placed Christ at the centre of his life, leadership, and mission. Through his life, our children are reminded that they are called to live their faith with integrity, love, and purpose, just as St. Peter did. By following the example of St. Peter, St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School continues to inspire pupils to grow in their relationship with God, become faithful leaders, and serve others with the love of Christ at the heart of everything they do.

