Curriculum Intent Statement for R.E.
In RE, we use Come and See to develop the children’s Knowledge and Skills in line with the school’s vision for Knowledge and Skills based curriculum.
We inspire Creativity through the use of thought provoking stimuli and a range of teaching and learning strategies. We encourage Discovery by exploring the children’s spirituality, the beliefs of the Catholic church and how they link with those of our global neighbours.
We foster a Curiosity by enabling the children to ask their own deep thinking questions which they are then encouraged to debate comparing and contrasting their own thoughts and opinions with those of others.
We develop Independence by creating a child-led approach to their learning where children are able to ask questions and deepen their understanding of the, concepts, values and beliefs that are important to them.
We instil Resilience by encouraging the children to explore scenarios and issues that challenge their own beliefs until their can reach their own personal conclusions.
As a result the children Respect and value their own personal beliefs views and values and those of others from a range of cultures that may differ from their own and are lifelong learners.